Lawsuit 763: Some human imagine things or I imagine things

Date: Sep 5th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Can you call the real MD psychiatry along some other PhD to your own last 3 American President

Starting the language as, “During all your schooling study in Harvard, have you seen a tutor in English?” (Police)

“Can you discuss over the details what the laws and the section and the article those proceeding manner?”

“Like a tutor next by that repeating a certain legal method that the current American Congress step behind step that this is a clear indication of a diagram this is always like that.”

“Do you have a human in there that you can trust to open your mouth to discuss a simple history of the chapter that starting in 1911 Haiwaii not the prism method those far away …what’s the beginning of the constitution under, or the division under the first big giant word : the Constitution below this is what you do understand ?”

One is Harvard black, one is not Harvard not law, one is … plagiarism. 

The English Tutor (side by this Law Tutor maybe)

You need this tutor every single day for 2 weeks. Then after 2 weeks, 3 days a week, then 2 days a week for the rest remaining of the year, and discuss with the law tutor where to get a chart of repeating this exact things on this diagram she can re-made this in English words saying clear to these 3 human.

"Under the Constitution in this chart, you have the 3 division in American Congress. To that under the division and the division chef leadership, you have the department, then under this each department such as the education department, you have the education unit ( / chef head) that oversee the materials such as publishing a medical textbook in the guidelines that when the American Congress passing a law and the section or the article, these chef of all administrative will gather those belong to their department (such as 1+1= 2) reassurance to the department / units below the staffs and the personal staffs, such as you were the American President, the current American President or the future American President as the leadership above them.

To this division where people you may not know the name will similar to Obama in the banquet when you all have to dress up to go to social, not limited to the congressman or congresswomen. To this division says, you will have a Space Project under where, to might be the same section of the Education somewhere this NASA has this kid's touring on their physical NASA main headquarter or the very local Washington D.C you seeing this science museum display things about the Space Aviation concept. This are connected. "

( I only know the Taiwan here, we are the 5 division, so they need to go research their American side, I can only related what it is from here - the same democracy for my own distance walking over or the taxi over easy at ....their headquarter, such as the transportation department or the energy renewable archive when we starting this coal business in the 16th century at the steam engine business. (in the 16th century) )

"Where she is from, that is the exactly the same democracy as here, but they adding the exam / exam committee and proof reading again-and-again, this is the word she cannot translate to you Mr. President. But the actual English meaning when she says that would be, they took all the other 4 branches under the Constitution, they will do a reviews, again and again. - that is including the human resource, such as the file-ing, she is not sure all that, but there is a part of that word means "again and again", when they design that system since 1911 their chapter starting in Haiwaii, after the fallen of the Kingship dynasty system in China. Those history in China only they know, there is a about 10 dynasty story she related in that side of the continent, we are this moment is not required to know, or you wish me to do a summary of those 10 Kingship why that related to their history in China, or the Ancient Chinese drama TV diagram, I can give you a telephone to whom hangs these diagram or the history structure wall, if you like? Please?"

"Such as someone walking out of the wrong space and time, one of those she claim, and it is on the wall.....of ?"

(The military telephone, this is your right to speak to them as, were, the current, or the future American President. They can lead you from this if daily you calling them every 2 weeks when you found out this reading while they compile that for you, or you wish me to run over their Fax machine, to get this written notice they collect, and be on your desk in the copy, by the 3 working day would be - before the weekend, they should have. )

a. You can tell your personal staff, see over that crowd of the human head holding this secretary whatever the binder those human. "When you given me these materials, with the exact reports, can you give me a clear draw out their division name, phone number, with their chef admin flow chart ).

(similar to the diagram above)

b. This is the English you can say to them: During the admin of Eisenhoward, to my term of the presidency, I need the exact name, phone number to the past or the decease every last one not vanish out of the American history....their contact information, just put on a piece of paper I don't care, put that clear flow chart I can see it in front of my eyes....

c. I need a bestfriend position. Whom is the military strategist best friend, a title or a name. 

d. What about me, the President?

e. The branch, the division or the near by any of that?

f. I think its by the Title anything near this Constitution in American add-on law says?

(my birds say...)

Anna says, "The extra point its this wild things need the baby wiper all the time on their mouth, ear, nose, or their feather just brush on. They need to be told, 『are you nervous, drink some warm water. Calm down. Say that again. Slowly is fine, my brain hurts.』"

(my birds say...)

(my birds say...)

"The wild things don't need to be trusted, you have the human power here. They can just be told, and related the message and got all over nervous and no credits when I ignore them inside outside, every my mental sphere don't want to be bothered by those invasive talking right through the air." (my head hurts for instant)

"The hair falical that Mark was saying...its that hair dresser in Asia has all kinds of they are not related to that Shane Westlife her classmate name of that branding store on the facebook. No that is not related it. All of the Asian knows that. But there is an Indian story that Anna went to ballistic on them, through Mark or behind at Shane, we don't know. Probably she is venting exactly she says on the Mark facebook profile, but these people are not that important, you need to be more staying in these Congressman human faces and their listening this law structure how it is born, or how the star vanish like the Sun. There is a case of that, but that is not related to us neither, its at the bio side. The bio is not the laws, the gismo is not the law, the singing ADD none of that are the laws, you need to keep your focus at those personal staffs you see....look, this is how you see, (open the door small), look...that that that that that.

You have a methods as the President needs to be bossing them or navigating them. Not those gismo including that Anna. She is trying to retire, so you just let them all go to retire on their own, I am sure they are talking behind for their own structure of the business. You have the whole world business in America, not limited to the oil, will never be those winter jacket Taiwan is a sub-tropical weather. If they taken the lost you won't even know about any of that. Do I know? NO! Do your personal staff know? NO! "

"Do you want someone to go and ask Shane? Or if Anna coming near, whomever their personal staffs that kind in the future?" 

"I can put that on the list, or give this list to your personal staff when we are through."

(All that is the English tutor says)

"The bio or the bio sphere are not exactly the same, you saying the marine biologist, or you saying UFO that is on the Space Project that side. When you saying the energy crisis, meaning we don't have enough energy source power by the hypothesis year such as the dinosaur dying it out and becoming the oil and we the human power to go digging in, or preserve it, that is in Alexska, not in middle-east. We are using that side to purchase or sale back to us, because we need to rely on the oil. The renewable current car modeling has the electric car, those are not to do with the oil consumption, but they are not all that reliable yet. UFO doesn't use neither. " (The English tutor says)

"Bio chem or the genetics are not technically the same. Even her side of that division from Dr. Bing Shen to Devil Wear prada is not the same, you want to just focus on the laws side with your wife, she might compile of a list you can reading things if you married to her, what she is good at processing what type of the paper works, and your kid? " (The English tutor says)

"You can just do the weaponry, not even her bullet business. They meant there might be the incentive, but you cannot tell me you know what is a bullet, or what is those the police gun, not bb gun business? You have the airplane, that is machinery, the cargo those railroad way, or the Eastern Military on the sea, these sea cargo, you want me to give you a direct phone call, what exactly is a sea cargo. The item list you mean the transportation for the commercial reason or the governmental. What is the governmental such as the Eastern military does, all the way from Maine to the Bermuda Triangle, I will give you a list, or you can say...pretend you saying that to your personal staffs, those outside the door, or you want me to tell you which stand with the color of their t-shirt, that guy. His name is ...."  (The English tutor says)

"You give me a list of that Maine State all the way to the Philadelphia experiment, the vanishing history and the rest of all that not dead human phone number and the list, of every state of the every segment they do that on the entire Eastern coastline, every pier or every portals such as why her father ending up on the Second ports of that sea on that side ! Where is OUR primary and the secondary ports here, where the ship going out, or where the business going out." (The President says) 

(Shut up birds) something about the proof reading? Second time I read my own writing they start to sound. I cannot read my own writing? 

"The scientific cabinet, such as you heard that Dr. T's wife, that side, its the advisor to the President, you can just ask your personal staff to inquire one of them to show is you say." (The English tutor says)

"In the 20th century how the bullet business she says anything to do with the incentive they given her was what experiment, that the periodic table what now stuffs, explain to me." (The president says)

"In the 19th, you have a concept you heard about the periodic table wiki, but in the textbook where her memory can only drawn from, we check her textbook, the exact reason she only remember the Bohr module or how the England Queen ending up in the hell was that, that scientist guy starting in 1920/1921 and that theory mature in 1928. Without this guy in the history setting to on Hydrogen starting on this chart top, you won't have the rest of the all chart as if the Seattle to 5 Lakes spread down the entire American to Bermuda Triangle, that is the periodic table chart comes from." (I Anna the human Dr. Ester says) 

"Here is the board, with these white sheet you see, empty?! Can you see? Get up, come over here open this? Look....I draw this from the Seattle side.....One hydrogen. Now you gonna use your two hands pull this one sheet from 11 oclock all the way to 5 oclock down, you understand where is the 5 Lake on your American Map at least?"  (I Anna the human Dr. Ester says) 


( Maybe I ask your personal staff for 10 board of that white stack up sheet, I say one sheet, not the whole stack of that board, you are too tall to throw that....)

"Here is your second pulling of the carts, this is the guy does better his calculation name Lee, he speaks English right, how this experiment come from its from that breaking down point of the anatomical force, which means at the proton level. This proton is the textbook where the number, you see on the top, that number, one of them is the inside the nucleus is the proton and neutron, never change unless we open that, the outside its the electron. So the basic understanding in the college University their Dr. T's class, the very basic forms of their grade A to PCAT, has to know that why she had 10 students a years that is 2 semester means, she done one in the general chem and the other does the organic chem, the difference its the inorganic chem is where the shampoo, neither nor of the general chem or the organic chem. Its actually the Inorganic chemistry. Her major is the chemistry, so she has to take that class. Nothing bio, its all chemistry. One of those all chemical makes your hands feelings slippery or corase included."  (I Anna the human Dr. Ester says) 

The personal staff ("hi")

"Anna confirm that is not Mark says probably."  (the personal staff)

"Mark says no, that is not he means, he doesn't even know what is the inorganic chem." ( the personal staff)

"Anna says they are the taller guys having the Westlife company resource to throw that board, they are the angry human" (the personal staff)

"Mark is on the phone. No he says they are not the angry human" (the personal staff)

"Sorry, its Anna on the phone" (The personal Staff), "Their home in-line its Adam's dad house those office, similar to Anna's older below floor, that is without the birds floor, its the spider the human face that one has the in-line phone call on line 1 line 2....I am on the line 3, you Mr. President needs to know which line they are on, I think its at the line 1? ")

"Anna says we are in the 21th century, she is not sure you hear or you seeing that word in front of you. "  (the personal staff)

"Anna says she needs to wash her hair this morning. The particle on the blonde, its a particle says, but in the chemistry this definition of an ATOM, its your cabinet analogy to you such as a Planet to a human height and width ratio. One of those, She doesn't know how to break down the space in that saying because that is a nucleus idea. That will be similar to the concept inside a cell, that is fluid by the way, that is not gas - space means the gas, the electron. So these two breaking down diagram, its your that side breaking down human cabinet or the personal staffs finding you anything bio or chem tutor."  (the personal staff)

"Anna says, right, inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

(Tutor repeat next one week long)

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

inside the cell is a nucleus, they looks identical I just say to you Mr. President, they are identical but one of them is fluid in the bio."

 (Anna is still on the phone, she just pour a cup of the smelly white taller cup, she forgets, she smells it from yesterday, she usually washing that cup every morning, not just her mouth, but one second later she says so now she is using the tissue paper in the bathroom with the water to wipe her cup inside outside several times, wipe it using some muscle strength, that is one nick ever did.....scrap that cup she says. "

"She says that meni...nicial ....the city water in English words means the tape water, its every existing legal world nothing but the tape water, so if she keeps saying Taipei Tape water factory, its the same. But she meant her housing plan is that buttom she click on the website: that is the underground water processing, not in America, its in Taipei, but they change that probably."

"Anna is still on the keyboard, no, not on the phone. Its no Line. Its at the legally blonde the 2 words tiny in legally blonde 2 or 1, she doesn't remember the housing plan bill, right she thinks its the legally blonde 2, your wife in it she says." )

She needs to wash her hair.

Her birds say hi outside her balcony

(Shut up, birds)

(Mr. President she needs to dry her hair then hair dryers, you need this details to feel safe? She says?)

She says, "Under your American Congress, this bullet company, do you want your personal staffs...sorry"

"Mr. President, her incentive through the bullet company its just a small tiny thing in a private or somewhere foreign their company billing its not in us.

"Sorry, Mr. President, that billing if you put in us under the Congress its the domestics, I can move that to the international affair, the foreign business sector whichever oversea not the property propossal tax law that far away edge item listing."

"Sorry, but she is just one human, if not under the American Congress operation this item list, that is zero. There is no human her age, nor SA or UB SA, or any SA at all, that look, that age, that entire things looks like the whole monitor, that is only one human, no matter how you move that billing statue, if you move once like the domestic billing, that is "1", then if you move her to that edge billing, far away, lets say almost none existence, its still "1". You don't have the entire student body someone coming forward, not a girl coming forward will be partner with the bullet company, yours are the submarine type, Mr. President, that is why that is a small tiny thing. Its 1, correct, no one else. If you keep moving that bill 10 times, you will feel 10 human, that is not true. That is inside your brain 1 human. And literally her entire family current situation, she see 2 human. So the correct billing from us to her, your NSYNC, its the personal, or she gonna set up what not things through that profile or the Congress serial number she got, that is probably will get through her personal account here in America, probably."

"If you want, we can find some other student body, any age, not limited to those students association, its a state school, we find those billing partner at? Just not the bullet company? We are not sure she is the only "1", sorry, we change, we will find their name, you want to know?" 

"No, Mr. President she is not on the phone, she is on her hair dryer...."

"No, she is on her Line app trying to how to tell her mother, her dad, was last year things she told her a graph she drew her, the gride line, either she is about to kill him or her, the same time how this 1900 contract was tear apart, but the comet in 1908, or that is today 2019, she says she did tell her the comet math starting in 2018, when she goes out to the kararoke 4 hours, that is a real thing, she told her, or she calculate the math right at the balcony door going out, right at her face. The math. She needs to go to the hair dressor near the first branch police station she does that the same. She says to look like she exists, she cannot go anywhere. She told her NASA asteroid impact as well, last year, to her to send to Pang, but she probably didn't send that Bill Gate's Ms Word flyer to him. She guess not. "

(Shut up, birds)

"We confirm the birds doing that on the roof every single day."

"Today we check it again, the birds too."

"Right today is the Sep the month, the same birds, not the same birds, the same roof."

"Correct, today again its the birds, I will report to you every single day if you want to be repeat this 200 times and we disappear ourselves out of your offices."

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