Lawsuit 764: MD 6+1 and MD 4+2 and Taiwan MD 2

Date: Sep 5th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I forget Jason and Henry 2 MD (First boy high school 建中)

There are a lot of this MD 6+1 to MD 4+ 2 from Mormom meeting the WWII interface line, where Dr. Steven Hairfield is another MD, other than the Ph.D used to be on my purchased book, his own book. I just want to add that 2 younger MD + this one Washington University Dr. Steven Hairfield.

I believe Obama and Simon has yelling back and forth but Simon is one of those killing his entire family human on our records in Asian. I want to add the movies in here: Fugivie (1993), Legally Blonde 1 (2001) and Legally 2 (2003) and W Two Worlds (TV not the movies, 2016) ; and Harry Potter, that we playing one full year 2014.

All the girls run to Simon, that is not correct.

I am too busy over this MD 6+1 to MD 4+2 and MD Taiwan MD 2 and Purna's dad MD 1 situation. I don't really know if there is a real MD but there is a gunman one whole life nothing but the psychological write-out, its not my thing. He supposed to got married with 2 kids, he is at SABA university studying with his wife or they are saying where they suppose are University of South Dakoda doing his clinical rotation included and teaching in that university. I already report that on the twitter or the facebook none stop. He is the gun man. 

2014 we also play the Sailor moon, I say Keanu Reeves its this Earth Prince, I never say anything about this Simon. I don't care about that Harry Potter. Inside this plot, there is an illusion.

Now I will tell you, all girls just like that Red River Manga, they gone to hug that illusion for the money reason with Lauren those set up the yarht sexual life with her gambler, the Casino boss Andrew Silverman life.

All girls. How many ending up anywhere, I think its in the jail never stop. I just don't know the exactly the things, its 10 years pass. I am too occupied even this Obama president supposes to know about this Simon, their news were on the public media that time 2011 one of those time. 

Simon Cowell is the one killing his entire family in the Chinese legend and myth not just the bible.

Unless you want me to tell you the exact page in Red River Manga, how that really looks from behind, all those phone and the email account are all privacy protected.

That Harry Potter supposed to be Edward Snowden my year in 2014, even that is supposed to be one of those whistle blower or the Project Camelot or the Wiki leak those distraction forces. Not just one Obama in Iron Man. (2008) - he has killed one person. Probably everyone thinks that is normal, that to MD world, its a jail. Maybe I mis-understood that. In MD student any intern or shadowing, that is a jail starting. Its called "The mel-practice"

This is a lawsuit I re-file, at the court you could just tell me MD walking away like Dr. Gabriel Cousen his wiki (I used to read, the dispute. I think he got jailed so ending up on the Flower Thousand Bone). I am not thinking to join any of you this looking with the gun man. None of them are doing the correct jobs I guess. Its a Bermuda Triangle line all the way down. Its the all America with it. 

Since I have a certain Heaven Power to pretend anything linger on the Human mortal world, this is what I will say.

When the power given to you that kingship this paper 2D open-and-the close book yet to be deliver, no matter that is in the year of 3000, a bunch of the pyscho women rush into Simon for a cuddling none stop, and knock it down whichever all that. 2 side head professor its in VS the women with the teeth White Snow Fallen Taylor Swift 100 millions dollar disappear this Bitcon Ella Enchanted.

Its 2010 Olsen Twin, Michelle Full House Dad die at the age 65 years old, bankruptcy on the newspaper, drop out the NYU, That first lady organic grown white house yard, its not in the portal lower or the Thanksgiving Turkey was spare. One of those eating art on the TV?

That one day, things will be returned, so all of you go to sort in the Washington D.C. I am sure they meant that is a freedom democracy world laws, how everyone looks at each other, eternity to come.

While you debating what is the real, and what that is not, because the people's outlook, that Simon, that money, that Power, that Presidency, that oil, that location etc....

Often we wonder the quest in life, to where the things lay between that dawn of the day to when the Sun will Rise again.... That is 50,000 years for that one Flower Thousand Bone (2015), therefore I probably won't be request one of those where I say if prepare these 2 weeks the hospital time for the billing situation for any account. Not necessary why I need to live up to 1000 years, or unless even 500 years is something you are not telling me.

Its one of those one extra medical billing, to that one oversea, right?

These lawsuit has becoming showing off too many this psycho women pockets are minus too many millions in 100 in units, unbelievable, I am telling you. The rush, the run. Its the sorority itself in the legally blonde, rhythm? Starting this giant first black lady to pretend cuttie. The giant eternity women skeleton so heavy, the forever man's jokes of the play, it will never happen, it forever never will. Asking any beggar on the road, its forever never be. This Earth you wonder if there is something Trillion in hands cash, bet that wasn't Black Ops made it for.

With human, their attitude its vowing forever never changed. I gonna tell you, its no matter what. Every single one last soul. You have a verdict to move me. No one ever changes, I will tell you that very same. Mocking that word just like you always do. 

In Chinese Part I and Part 2

In English Part 2

+ One Purna's father. Reno Ph.D and...1 MD, Nevada. He is just too old, for me to believe that is real or not real. He is the University of Washington. I don't really got clear, only got that word from online. Dr. Steven Hairfield. I bought his book with with the Buddha statue, it was not MD on it. It was just the Ph.D, Metaphysics. 

To the Chinese written above, I want to add it here about 商鞅達己 (Simon and Lauren Silverman ) how we Chinese locally grown to knowing that fact - Tyranny and a phantom bad bad bad girl, not just she sleeps with her gym teacher from the high school that kind. 

The tyranny we Chinese probably never imagine will reincarnate into our modern history, we imagine that is a looooong time ago we learn about the myth or legend. That is the time they show up. It exists, but not as paper dating as we say we ink in our head space.

And certain it will never be as I am telling you.

1) The Harry Potter heroic. That is a dark Lord looks like Obama on the Loving the Silent Tear.

2) The tyranny doesn't mean to go and killing the entire family, it goes and kill the random on the citizen in thousand, one of hose including the warring, just never your entire own personal parents or the wife or the kids or the sibling. That is not our definition of the tyranny means in the history, its a very angry personality, 暴厲 cruel handling to anyone. Just we never think it will be so vivid like that W Two Worlds, its the entire family modern drama gone, and killing right in front of our face, its his parents all dead, and the first degree murder girlfriend all together to meet as the true love, and worse, he carried that innocent Asian faces.

That will never be our public seen, or you even just asking the eternal Chinese time, any of those one police, without a face will tell you on the public forum, its all behind not one them will tell you that is how we seeing it in front of us, side by that and that and all the minus dollars on people's fantasy, the women included, if they are combined.

The red inks, or the money involved that is not preserved. 

This is very bad. 

I want to add this one part of the lawsuit here statue: re-filing over that AC DC war in your documents, I found this my mother and nick does this the same : About my head got hurt or anything that Canadian nick ever did. If you will tell me, that is from the animal.

These birds are nothing but very good doing that myself. I can just say that to myself, its not on your liability, but here is what I gonna tell you what's wrong. Why they did that the birds all that, or the animal kingdom did all that, if you paying them included.


This is probably only I know of this time will be in America. Its cold. I try to think its not, many ways, you have the car traveling to the individual housing during the holiday, because your land so big. But your air. Your air will tell me your national policy, its running on what you did found out, or what was told to you from the ET if were, or 200 years ago, when you really have this democracy up to this Bible time the year 2000. 

You know all this lawsuit I file myself including when you asking me with that one Khan Academia from Harvard. I thought about something, but it was not very very visible. Yeah, I know I can do some kind of....imagine if were bio like he has the math. Just I cannot cross that in my mind, there isn't that much I can see in that outlook at that time. Or including nick he or others know I want to do something.

That ingredient is not in every mind. I gonna tell you.

Not every mind.

Taiwan Taipei is a capital will be a lot more almost like the Capitalism. Not this nation's air. No. A lot of the China this rich becoming quick, they have come to the South Taiwan for the red envolope, or a lot of this kindness act. I have read from the news. 

I am the fair and justice in that Bible. It is ironic if I am the one keep talking about the money or the Capitalism. The funny things everyone knows its the democracy and the capitalism, and I would say that word is Capitalism, isn't that odd?

Here will be the dispute and the personality conflict as you almost vivid seeing that whom here on the name. Those personality as the guys, or the girls are not famous, they pretend to be drunk.

But some without a name, they can just buy out their way to pay the fine or the fee, they got enough the banking statue to pay something and say "We don't want to do that argument" - not driving, not waiting, not a lot of this heart take, and personally the reality I probably think its exactly those people mouth-to-ear, as that write-out. 

You don't know whom that name be said, that is that 2 keep talking to each other in the court never end. The Loving the Silent Tear side by side, the Iron Man exactly Side by side, Obama and Simon Cowell (the position exact ink back to the book and the movie; the Loving the Silent Tear booklet and the Movie Irion man at the explosive site)

Its unbelievable, isn't it?

If people's mind set gear more this let's say the potential why fighting in the public, some just having enough behind to pay or not pay, its not relevant, and just focus on that cultivation of the business, or the rudimentary subjects as I promise, meaning I go to the hospital because I have the money, I go to talk to the experty because I can hire from the money aspect.

That future I am not sure when you say the outside or the external force will land here.

There is something in that itself, I know the guys what they all look like the eye glass Asian, short or some kind, you will tell me they have no value in any dress code. True, that included financial that 4 limbs never wash enough, the romance tale. They mean they have to live on. Right their brain space. They go to the social meeting though, their same age, like it means to them too.

So I gonna tell you: these girls when they are Ella Enchanted their 60 years old, or you found out the age line like 55, or 51, these Asian these ugly human guy short included, are minded busy inside that every Asian girls and the guys you hate, no, the normal social, where the house invited, the small tiny human invites each other all that. He may never have a girlfriend, too short too ugly, too thin jaw, and too cynical in every word coming out of his mouth for these too warming argumentative to going to you the unseen guy. Their brain, at that world the future. It will never stop being born, and create that in itself, where the finance the world will never cease to exist in that landscape. They will live on. 

In the Chinese Smart Living or even the doctors are all the fat or the round jar. Right. So you never seeing those. And that doesn't exist in my file-ing statue as much, because none of them will make it. I don't really know their bank account, I just know the physicality, the air at the head. Until if you ever seen the money, oh~ that will be totally different isn't it? 

In the future, whichever hundred years pass, what you can do, you bribe them and ask them the exact number. Input it back.

That will be very very aweful really. Everything that people don't know, standing in front of me. 

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