The girls list

Don't do.

1. Don't eat those sauce, let's say you thinking one day you are older women, and if you get the money, but you have none money will ever be. Those women's attitude its very bad to the younger guy, or the younger boy. Meaning those women whom have the jobs, those kinds. Let's say you be attentive to listen, she might be eating and reading a paper at that young boy friend, and saying she has no time, that is the eating time, and she reads with her eye glasses on. Not the eye glasses, not holding the sheet like that, no imagine you are older, and you heart not pumping at the boy. I don't, but you all are. 

2. Most girls you die on the job on purpose. Most guys will tell you, get off, go home, find other ways, except that kind of the ways. They didn't do it to hurt you. Some is on purpose to hurt you. 

3. When you meet a guy, it will never be me meeting this MB God, or Neo any of them. My breath will forever living this one small tiny room, my bed, my heart....whatever that torture would ever be or my head. My nose, my physiology. Did you hear I say? There is no game, only I exist, forever exist.  You know yourself? None of those quality are appreciative. 

Every guy if they are truely worthless and useless, tell them in the face, "There is a certain job its never you, but I live forever." Say that very very even in your mouth out loud no matter he can hear or not. That is not a claim, that is a fact or a statement.

4. The inside here or outside there the boys, the youngest, they might be older in the years, but if they are those Zawanna says the boys, they are running inside up or down, never end, same as the Reptilian guys. They are even in small just like the black, as long as you don't go near, you don't provoke them or the black. No talking, walk away. No giggliing laugh like that Hailey to initiate any conversation.

"Good morning, Bill, Good morning Dean," that's it. Nothing else. 

5. Sammy is the only thing will ever be important, never any of that red neck human. Prince Harry will tell you that. Sammy has a unifying what church might be knowing exactly those CAC girls dancing square in Hungary branch of the church, or the Baptist of the church. I never say you girls cannot seek the church for quest, or help. any guys, even he is short, every certain white guy will tell you, you white girls doing very very very bad this pelvic below sleeping all around. You are very liberate, and you really need to sleeping all around. not born in America, I try to putting the puzzle together. 

I personally think, not every guys are good....not every guys try not to hurt you on purpose, but.....I will tell you he be with you starting from the beginning is a fake. You need to know how to grow up, that growing up pain he will never tell you as a guy, no matter what. A lot of the guys believe that, or they know you hurting them. But a lot of those life experience will never be you small tiny girl will ever imagine any pain to go through. But he does what he thinks the best.  I don't think every guy if every girl acting right, be more independent talk, not those Annie Hallway forever, or Hudson river be dead every single day of that faces, the guys are not suppose to run down that easily as a whole collective supporting. They can be, if you input a lot more this 24 hours....every guy, the forward your action its you supporting the guy.

None of you did. None. If one video shows up to me would be. You will be sent away. Not here. It will never happen the UB, not my high school, never this Youtuber. 

6. The TV deceive you, your guys lie to you. A lot of the girls you will fight with the guys with a emotional scream. Me and my mother would, but not me and nick. He is not an important person at all, for me to even open a mouth to help him. Not deserve like that, or he is very egoistic, or his situation are never changing of that one son Tony, no matter what. 

7. You as a girl, when you go back to your mother, you might all die together, because no back end road. You cannot just sit at home. You give yourself 3 months sleeping time, settle thoughts. I done all that, I know that myself. I would rather to keep working and still having a job idea. Its not you and me are the girls, or they and me one day will be the guys.

8. The police force is not good.

You should NEVER playing the games with them, when I am warning you. I can do that myself, but they are the man, not a regular guy. Not those. If they ever knock on the door, you will be frighten. If you be honest, and genuine to solve it, bind to the PC, one book keep writing, because you know, you say it clear. You as that kind of the girl, you cannot take your father, brother, or you are very used to the man. To me, that is not normal. 

You intend to say you accept any guy, the police man might just know the first look you look at him, or how you response to him. 

9. I don't hate the guy, I might feel discomfort, but not really that feeling to any one of them showing up in front of my face. No.  But you HATE HATRED, HATING, hate hate hate focus mind that concentrate hate, including the police as a man, or challenge as a regular guy, if that is no uniform, or is or what not like that Conan Detective. I don't think they do that...but assuming you all so experience in life, you say you work with them, or anyone, just like me and the police. 

I am laughing at them, not i am working with them. I tell them that cartoon looks funny. They have so many names. From the clouds above, it is really really funny. 

10. I will tell you, you are not genuine, you have an intention all the time, when you open your mouth to talk. I don't talk, remember? You prepare so you have a conversation. Some guys will tell you, they appreciate a certain thing, but when the practicality of life comes to a career in front, and you didn't secure anything, and that age line, or that reality they knew from behind if the guys have the networks, your hair line, and your age line will be erase forever.....

11. You keep saying you want to be chased by the guy or this is the society rule its every girl chasing the guys too? don't initiate those public talk in the public space so like you = those CEO business women. You mean you gonna leash every single guy, I think you mean it, you leash every single guy, so you got shattered inside your eyes all the pieces of your soul. The guys in that norm if they are the gays too, they too.

I know. You can walk away if in that big social occasion. I used to only have those girls in those occasion, there is no where to be seen.

12. Your career is not a shatter piece of your eyes sight, a lot of the girls and the guys both are. Some one might just knowing that, not me having a Title later I am telling you, not I need the part-time, I know whom you are, whom those junk yard sale be on the street human their age line will.  Because you are a girl, every stable job if you seeing the police or fireman, they secure that job? Correct. They being exam or they have to use their body part to fatty at the knife. But let's say you understand they are occupying the jobs inside their world. When they seeing you, they will never never never get jealous of you, if you and your gf showing this one table you happy eat somewhere because you can afford, they say they cannot, so they left.

But you didn't have that career, you see?

13. I haven't really met those super worsen girls, not yet. But they exist. There is a all kind of the super loud cry, literally crying with the tear, the cat missing one of those. Why don't they just be dead, gone somewhere else?! The human life like your father, your mother, your family will be dear to you girls. You must grow up if you go home. Every guy will tell you, they don't know how to say that, but that is the only reality of life. Even if you grow up, you can still have no jobs and go on the street. 

14. The police....they are just the mortal. They will never be me. To know where things are. Or you saying one person telling you the road you will never fallen. Meaning how you trash people in the eyes or the thoughts cannot keep that jobs. To say a professional a real real real needed job. To be honest, that bio lab technique for the resume, someone like me if really really desperate those out there emergency, its just one time showing, someone like me copy and paste.

15. A lot of the guys cared those in Power, they believe they work hard enough. They only make their own conclusion themselves, every guy or the public known. I am not the guys, but I will tell you true. I don't appreciate that nick hurting me, but I forget in front of his house, it was a coal blacken super black women shows up and the entire house were nothing but the black them. I forget.

16. Being fair or justice, its to tell people I forget. Not right or wrong why he imagine I remember that. I forget.

17. If inside your life, you care to have one relationship, you say let's try 3 to 5 years. You must take time to work on that yourself, you talk to MD psychatry, you wish to pretend 3 to 5 years how to run one relationship. You finish pretending 3 to 5 years, including that very very expensive MD fee, you decide what you do later on the life. But you seeing a MD is needed.

None of are you will ever be my standard of the Flower Thousand Bone, those American Medical Board probably trying to say this one planet, not limited to any of you. I say, go to see the doctor.

18. Do I really place you that low?

Skunt, right. No value. You wasting time to put a fantasy in a lot of people life in risk. 

People whom are on the road, let's say any job, I see, I listen, I pay attention, is that a job? 

No, that is not a job to you. You say leisure probably. 

The combine of those total mins, someone lives in the wind, air, sun, water or tireness....I can only tell you, when things require to stare your eyes at something, I will be less fantasy anything is romantic, especially if I am a girl, and I keep telling the girl, the guys are not good to you. I can just believe that lie of myself, and never pretend to be a guy.

19. Does those guys really think you are useless?

Your words have no substance in it. Nothing just like your brain. If you would just cut your tongue, nothing value but waste the human time, or the human life. You are only that.

20. Do you social with the guys in front?

No. They have no values. 

21. Title or the pretending the TV fame, someone told you borrowing, or you really believing you are what?

I never go and talk to any leadership in the real human world, they are questionable, or anything I seeing far away. I never participate any politics. I understand the process, but I am a citizen cared more about my money. Those are the guys, you don't need to go message at or talking to.

I can proclaim, "I AM what what what." - see, I touch my body in 5 second, the AI didn't come down, we are alive, you look outside the birds sound or the sun rise,.....The internet space these personal space is not so that protocol claim. Its a personal blog. I done that, at the physical structure where I found things too. Maybe not at the main station. No where to be found, and try. Nothing happened.

22. Every guy has a sense, they rather you really care about them to find out, whichever the details later on. I might be a guy, so I already operating that somewhat telling you, I am not saying that is mocking at me as the women and then what is that?

A ....fucking Queen too white on the panty to say the waist line on gifting peace?

One of those. Pompeo's lady in his past memory. No, so I will tell you these movie final statement, not the lawsuit, it will never be any part of that. I can accuse you, but these claim forever will never be me. Not really. I just told you very bad language 1 to Z. 

23. It did look worsen on the map, but America is SUPER giant big, VERY VERY giant. So when I imagine a California location, I got frighten, as if everything cluster toward it. But I might just go back CA if I need it too. I know that. But I first handle a certain thing, and I wait.....I don't make a very rigid situation. Taipei Major says that direction. I got very mad. I got frighten and he just blast on that.

Yeah, I think about it later. I have only two passports. But I sorting clear these paper work and my head, I can make that life adjust in front of me that time. If things do bother me, I spent a lot of the times in writing and sorting.

Correct. there is nothing wrong with it. It sounds horrific to me, everything I see.

24. Your military formation?

I don't really know.

25. Do I call the guys or?

If you already stepping all over, you feeling good, and with the response? When Adam and me broke up, I skate into those right across me restaurant in and take out and leave. I got a guy yelled at me. So one time on the phone again that take-out, its a guy yelling at me. 

I don't know how to yell the guys back in English. The adjective or something, words.....

26. If a guy yelling at you?

Your dignity got very very very hurt, remember I have no shame, no dignity, he can be yelling thousand time, as long as I am mute never hear about it. I never care to find out.

You put forth a lot a lot a lot of this concentrating hatred toward outside. Being emotional is one thing, but being this much ....

I personally will tell you, you didn't get enough things to do. The home chore, the birds, the mother's yard, the sink, the PC, the works, the guy's, or the classmate, or without the facebook so you go to their institution facebook to pretend another 5 years.

Thick and concentrate. 

The guy if they hear your langauge, you should be dead. Like the verbal those tearing cry. But they say something, and you got very very very offended about your mother or father too family pride up, like that Square. Tangle or what not princess....needs a father and a mother to put together.

I already told you, psycho never ends. 

27. These women star?

I tell them that time the list I see, or the formation which direction to....You can always tell them whom guys in their own works too. You are confident you are told, or you are noise to get near by. I don't usually waste my words to hurt them. If they ask me, I will tell them I don't really know why. Maybe she likes those kind, just like the video she made, but that is not a liking....

28. What do you put inside your brain?


29. Do you think of the conversation back and forth?

... ... there is no existence of any worth to any those guy before nick. All very useless. 

30. You never imagine a conversation?

With that Canada nick, it was my dead end. I think it was a dead end. So it has been 20 years never thought about that. UB those are not a conversation. 

31. Talking back and forth is not a conversation?

If you talking about an economic structure, for something to listen as a bimbo like Kentucky Derby or those picnic outdoor, to hear one of those word, that might be served as a betterment of the evolution in the human brain. It will never happen with a nick he repeated about thousand time he was only 10th grade. You ask him.  My head always hurt when he saying that. ALL THE TIME.

32. I mean the guys.

Never. I never had a need to go to a guy, if not trying to get rid of every one last of them before the real human like the real guys literally in front of my monitor. Its not inside my vision. oh ~!

33. I mean flirtious....

I get rid of them the first sight I seeing them. Its the useless human waste form, if not the disease soon.

34. So you will not talk to those guy's near by any of the associate?

I won't be there.

35. Near them?

I am right here.

36. You don't think to be there? Ever?

No. I seeing the food, well Kian's eye another turn that table, where the food his hands at. He turns around. Something not right, there is everything with the food with those look him or Mark is not right.

I just wait, Nicky....I wait. Later this Shane shows up.  No, you mean starting that Brian I told him I help him to talk to whom starting in Jan? Those are the concrete I say, so I remember. If you saying a fake things inside my head, never.  I draw to them to calm down whatever its in front of the people, because I written those words, I know how it feels like. Not clear.

No, I don't imagine things. I sympathize with the girls, I am the God remember. That is 2 people in one photo frame. Sometimes I think for the girls. Because its too far away. Its not exactly relevant to my life.

37. Why you think its not relevant in my life?

In the city, its very very busy, I try to decide if the immigration saying what from America, but... 101 its right next by, I had this notification I told Eben you don't remember.....the expo all that stuffs, but that area, well, if I am not occupying on the internet, I might really get another walking out those life with my mother, or talking to the local home owner manual, I don't feel so, but I am trying to imagine those a lot more concrete.....I like those things. Like the expo walking in, imagining.....

Those I imagine, right. Its a happy thing to do.

38. Like invite a guy to go one of those?, they are impaired, maybe not them. Right....

39. Imagine a guy at the dinner, like those One Direction, ever?


40. In UB?


I am a little bit occupying with the things in front of myself I think that time, I don't remember exactly what is so busy, but I think its busy enough.

All right, I think it would be if every single time its to get rid of that everything in front of my faces enough time. Including right now keep harmony, they are not the girls, but let's say you imagine some guys to keep some girls in harmony, I go along with it. 

41. Like a conversation, to be on the phone one of those or the chat box.

I am on the chat box. 

42. No, the literally calling. 

oh ~ you mean to carry a conversation or you asking him out those kinds, I have a gazillion lawsuit one of those included?


Then what is it? Going out? You really asking a guy to going out with you? And that is about NSYNC movie: Long Shot or Mia from Lance Bass those newspaper with a phone kind?

Kind of.

Its a high school movie / table / dinner date.


The movie with the pop corn those?


I never been, cannot help, not once. Not even with Nick.

You don't go and watch the movies?

We were in the mountain river.

43. Me asking you, is that more like this Kate & Leopold, or No reservation those kind?

No, the high school kind.

Why it has to be a high school? The pop corn?

That is not a movie.

You mean there is a kid, well, if just baby sitting or a couple gone to another person's house for 5 mins?


The pop corn and the movie! 


Probably don't waste time on those. No I never imagine anything. I don't think I ever met a guy literally its from a date. Even....right, well, one Nick. Its I stabilize with him together. I never met a guy after him, literally physically speaking, so those chore, or the house.... I was still using the juicer while I was in California, away from Nick. So those grocery of the entire case of the coconut, that is 12 of them raw coconut I took home, and jouncing I use the vegetable to stay what I was. That continuation I would imagine a real life, and even if a guy ever in my life. In America, I need to drive. I don't know I can drive right now. I did my mother's laundry, or somewhat, or at least taken these towels or the clothing's all loads to the washing machine, its daily. She folding them daily, so I input my drawer daily. I exercise then I mop the floor, or the weight scale or the table, or my keyboard, every so often. Like today I change my pillow case, I re-wash my hair or the body wash.  That is what I will say. The details are just too many ....Shane is on my weather channel, sorry, the birds. Its the blogger font called the marrieweather. Really funny, this birds know everything. These pets I spent a lot of the times they are God, its not freedom, I just running back and forth. I need to lay down, like the last 30 mins, every so often. No, not those I never done those Kentucky high school. No. 

44. I see now.

You want to like per weekend, let's say you calling some guys near by to go on a date like you are in the home town, every girls asking those guys, so one weekend, every so often weekend, that is fun. Just that one weekend or a several movie night, per Friday, or sometime Saturday fun day, and those giggling in the dark night? oh ~

Isn't' your objective goal ist to occupied someone's house, meaning I hate Canada weather i will never be with that guy, I forget his existence reason I will NEVER be with him for the rest of my life.

45. This is like Twilight, going home with the dad, those boys, or Prince and Me, those farm at the other buddies all friends all together buddy similar to the high school?

Jame's house its Wendy drive me to the wine outdoor, I forget my ID, we drove back.

Tamang is the wine bar Brady I vomit bathroom

Carla driving long time.

Smallville Tamang Lana dark hair....I drive too many times to Canada border i guess. the golden onion rings, has a lot of the onions layers, all that its the onion rings.

46. This is not about my age line, its about your age unlimited young, relatively younger?

We used to have those drive through, and those people roller skating out to order your burger, those a very causal family eat out. But the teens they can go there too, and then drive to the movie theater, one of those. Or your distance will not to be too longer of drive. So at night, somewhere the wind blows, you stand in front of the car, those Karen useless human giggling with a guy, intent, not intent, and that is one night out, does that telling your parents first or after? Or that is just a date, everyone does for free?

oh ~

I almost thought I just didn't tell my mother I go and staying long without saying that is a paper, it will never be a paper. So that is not a normal thing?

47. Tamang that psycho, I tell you....he knows he grew too tall. 

And he was studying the double e, but in the community college. So he knows he goes to the military, then he got married and have the kids. He knew about some drafts so he does on purpose on something. He has a reason doing all that.

48. No, I understand it now.

no, I never had that kind of life.

no. that her father is divorced (Twilight), and he has a house, and he mother is on the road with somebody. They both looks like a real father and a mother. 

I don't have a parents. That is what I can tell you.

You mean some a bit like Prince and Me, like an interaction, or How to lose a guy in 10 days, those visiting the parents home might be?

I tell you the couple those Karen with those quarter back - they dulging the present of me, like if at the same ground, they do those very impolite harsh speaking walking away bad kids stuffs. Imagine one day I get up from my chair. This is not over. You all those useless president with what was those cabinet youth human.....imagine I need a TV power what I ever will done just with a shape I am telling you, this 2 breast bothers me this kind, to be so humiliating as nun in snow white, try to imagine the  moping floor maid like the little mermaid, that is with the leg or the voice, so the beauty and the beast its yellow, and that Eben's horse of the cliff, its about 4 legs one in fallen, so dancing at the dark night far away, 16 years promises, its maleficent.

Someone has a manner ....

49. I think I remember some girls talking about in the past....

Something like "He flies in" and never says where he gonna stay, and there is a date to those long distance of bf.

"Fly in or drives in." - not the professional work those, its the high school one of those.

50. Voice Memo:

The useless girls with the useless guys ever be (8:14)

I go back to my real blogger home page.

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