Lawsuit 768: 妲己的丈夫 (Lauren Silverman's original husband name Andrew is a Casino owner)

Date: Sep 6th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This is about Devil Wear Prada (to all lawsuit plotting reason)

Its a very very very sad reason they are the remaining not too bad looking lady, like Laura, or used to be Apple Lauren. ( everyone else losing the appearance after 40 like Christina Agurilla or she will too - you love me anyway. But that pair up Tina Jojo's real form its next lawsuit 769)

No more Nicky's ex (Westlife Nicky Byrne, Prime Minister's daughters cat fight with this Katinss) over this Ella Enchanted position, her argument would be Britney goes to 98 Degree, and Nicky comes to me, she Georgina Ahern getting rid of Nicky forever. I know. 

The correct formula over this sequence of the movie plotting (in the Asian the only eternal truth, never Western says) - Over Simon Beasty in Bible and Lauren Silverman the Phantam idea.

Square Square in OU language means Fon. = Fon Fon. 方方 = frame into, frame frame lock = to square this Devil = Lauren Silverman and her sister or mother (7th Buddhism, Sariputra in the Buddhism number 1 position to succumb this Venus position Tesla for his Dad, reflective in Mulan Disney Cartoon) / 閃電霹靂車 Venus = her 7th, Lauren's sister.

Me and my mother like a horrific situation since 2014 winter starting, one after another, to 2015, then Tina hits, then I run to Silicon Valley, then my mother runs 4 times airplane, Nick too. 10 years later, these women are thoroughly dead. Thoroughly the age line going it down. Every those socialist women passing an age why UB those medical student will be the only winning choice if you join them, they are resisting and I am putting them into the place, but only the American Medical Board is the correct one. Those women like Karen and Adria will fallen as well. 

Tell me how sad the story I ever explain in my daily blogger here is the 2 posts insert

1) About the people in UB, inside there is anomaly of not stern at the law side or morality standard. (Impaired included), click here.

2) The real sadness I related to Nicky maybe when I seeing him in person. 

In this position the correct plotting would be

1) Andrew Silverman = the gambler

2) The evolutionary biology UB military bold guy looks like Prince William = Andrew in the Princess Diary, that girl is the Devil

3) To Ella Enchanted

All those must go. Though they were used to be the better looking one, when you saying how far the distance this Ella Enchanted girls such as Laura, Lauren Apple, or Nicky's ex, or Katinss over Lauren Silverman, her sister, her mother, or Karen and Adria. When the women's values has gone to zero, that is what it ends already ended since 2019 winter. It doesn't have anymore, not to say the next 5-10 years time I dragging this Ola saying you keep holding it on your fantasy in every Blogger Post telling her or explaining to her.

The saddest story is not that Annie Hallway that look, it can only hold, more than just a bit over this Karen, Adria, or Lauren with their entire family glow at Simon 10 years ago. It is an event in his life, but in 10 years, you saying the human value has no more, they are the worse of all and first to go. 

Because in this world, only if you have a certificate of something you working it on for so long, never will those socialist makes another world wide fame, married or not, none of that were true, and the court debates fighting on, were only my case every Asian country eternity be worship doctrine, only. 

This is the final verdict for this I say. You cannot change one Asian position with that one Simon and Lauren, forever and eternal. Therefore, her ex husband will be a forever cannot bend case no exception rule.

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