Lawsuit 766: Melinda and Wing ( responding through and with UB parenting groups over this one has many friends 新笑傲江湖)

Date: Sep 6th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: They should be cut off their both tongue including that Dean

I say the Corporation sleek, inside a building without any friend, you keep saying those Wallace Drama has the friends, keep bluffy just like how big your mouth can ever open.

The military order of your argument, to send you each to middle East to station for 1 year, you cannot breath 1 or 2 or 3 years. That is called the friend I have. Not THOSE physically show up and kill you cruelty. Those things don't exist, the police took them away.

You want to bluff on my image over any of this UB my facebook nor their parents, you first definition how far the hell you going it down with the time span all together and soon with that jail forever or not indefinite.

Discussion the telepathy race and the technology

Those whom are outside in the spaceship are the telepathy. That is the kind of the high tech or including one day the Earth took off with that how far the legal measurement saying not AI BTX for shooting down the entire groups of the ship outside the Earth. Being told, that doesn't mean I know that in which dimension idea.

Its nothing but the Corporation business sleek. I keep talking about it. Meaning the high tech knowing exactly your per thinking and one of those idea will gone to the classify materials, you all so mouthful believe, on Earth even the local military force can send you to hell the argument you keep that your per mouthful talking and imagination to stand one second in front this world, only owing to me not just the next 500 years every single debts of it, as if that Tesla documentary film, you don't watch enough or imagine enough. 

The spirituality and the high tech combine

When someone being celestial to almost every degree on that monitor, you will have bow down your kneel to inquire any mouthful claim as you have first ask me, to pretend the Asian people will ever bind it together, such as this driven ABC monetization or the commodity good that President Xi would have just say something like the Kenshin Himura, you 2 what you truely made off if all the people underground gangster sound about neither of you Melinda, Wing and Dean (W Two World, Jason and Vicky is not a thing inside their own class, to be bind outside the world, where Jason married back his University lady yoga standing facebook to make a giant wedding like Eben Pagan), tell me how that mouthful jobs you are nothing inside your own very classmate to each other how important you will ever be, including that Dean's Ice Hockey. 

The star buck, the star buck gift cards; the ice cream, Dairy Queen; Apple cards, Apple Amazon. Imagine the future, isn't it? You don't feeling it per never pain to how burn the hell I am saying it, isn't it? Do you seeing any friend around? Its right at you in front of your monitor through the public internet. 

Discussion the End Game (Classify points of the views, the negative ET Grey, Neutral Race, Me=1 or 3 exactly like the painting), the negotiation table.

None of you can afford any of your personal all around not in jail if not with your lawyers all together, one of this isn't it? 


I guess this here is not officially enough to tell you, UB has another club that Huffman human in APO they gone to, walking all over the Student union with the coybow boots. To imagine an Ancient Chinese drama with that maritial clothing outfit, you have to proven so much about this humility running deep - the Role Play Club (from UB SA)

Where that money can move, you will see, what I will really becoming the brand new of this 2018-2020 if not already was the UB 2020. That memory of yours......

From the High Tech proven

You cannot change anyone whom just born on Earth, only lives ever this 40 years ever starting on the age 1 ever....up to this age line. There is nothing else memory other than the learning curves and learning culture, whichever that culture might be? 

The TV, the City water usage, the City fashion, the City expo, the City school bus line on the modern transportation. You don't think that is an argument to someone with your inside outside exactly just like that Tiny 4.0 小世代 (China TV)

Tell me how this movie will be true just like the Victoria Secrets shows you a secret? Be just like that 40 years ago the police put up one SMCH in1986 her legal organization name in Chinese here is The Chinese Zen Buddhism, a Vietnamese nun in Taiwan location in front of the Republic of China. You just imagine American live big enough not any Asia territory where everything is so near. Jealous? Fight on in the court, you see yourself if you meant it, you are desperated enough? Your lawyer would have told you that stupidity you try to coherent to my lawsuit here 766. Isn't it? haha.....

You have to use your own hands to pick up a knife cuts yourself in thousand times. You see if that is what you exactly the desperation idea. Funny, isn't it. Make your eyes gazed deeper or bigger as if you feeling that spirits is fresh no more, bright and shining, as if that one determination of the life like that Tina Jojo 2 kids with everyone else a guy has 2 or 3 kids that New York City life if not Raising Helen means. You know how it feels you yourself is the only modern will be, don't you agree?

How each word no listener will feel it, not the legal court judge will prevent, if you read it yourself and feeling it that quiet corner of this time. 

I know....everything about whom you 2 are. That movie is the classify materials, and the crimes will be forever yours. That is the Judge won't say, until you asking them, isn't it funny? You don't even know your own very saying at all. 

I just told you and all, you will pick up a knife and cut you yourself in thousands pieces.

You are telling everyone in front of it, without knowing or believing you knew exactly how SMCH comes to that seat through your local culture as the Malaysia, because the entire Asia has that cults issues all over the planets. Except most White youth kids back in 20 years, none of them has one growing up culture of such for saying its me or you claim.

But the Judge or the entire Asia knows that VS secrets is in here. The UB you wish to look big face is numb, because they don't know she was shy. Any particular guy in mind? Any Western White celebrity or even the local UB white guys if heard this last paragraph whole saying someone gonna pick up a knife and cut herself in thousand pieces, at least they will wonder if their brain is in defect, every white guy. 

Facebook Sky Evidence

One video and 3 pictures (China map becoming....Malaysia extension, you mean the Big Wheel and the Small Wheel), and Sakura Clear Card the best friends the dumpling head from China to Hong Kong Lee.

You mean those wealthy on your weight issue, Melinda its the human efforts reason not you yourself initiative, you already live inside your dream all this time.

Tell me to tell the CAC girls what that dream is? They are guessing only. Someone will always be Ella Enchanted or Dean those useless guy in this whole wide worth the white guys domain choice and why is that?  Because when the revenge of the girl's power is not present, its neither nor hate or jealous to becoming the final destination of whom you are, what you are, and whom you put up all this time, put up all that, to sacrifice all that Tina Jojo's speech, its all that you ask, its all that you gamble, its all that all that all that final works to do, and your testimony, not the lover's aspect were not helping each other. 

Its the gold digger. 

Usually that word in American English I think it refers to a girl, not refers to a baby boy was born in July, really. 

There are 2 Canadian police inside these sequence themselves. I don't know if they do that themselves, or it was real and that destination jail will be in Canada, if all the proven valid on their own initiative. I won't know what the movies says really, a mail room full of the snow or full of the owl's feather.  You have to wait for someone to pop the question. That is Chris or Dean, 2 people you seeing the height must be. Bill is not that giant tall I guess. The girls won't know its "all this time", always.

Some short girls in the present medical world cases will tell you, such as Emily those, the guy must must must exceeding a normal guy height. Never Lee, never Bill, never Seth, nor Wing or Jonathon or Zac. Therefore.....the problem is only. 


You read the organic chemistry website: The 868% the error. Her name is Bridge from CADS lab, my students. She is a short black women.

Dean's claim as the human error not as the human factor here I say. You know it Tamang is 868% error, more than anyone else, so the target Harry Potter reason would be Wing gone, True Love Dean. See how coherent your lawsuit related to mine. Someone would have told you, how slightly difference we ever write without the communication before the court room hearing. 

No, Wing is not the Loving the Silent Tear, no. When Vanderbelt Medical Center mean his one lifetime be there, that is as that. Make it, and so he will, and he married location is TN.

The American immigration office means I will be back in the California with all of you on the first day of no time delaying, not there. So it will be against all of you, whichever that title given to all this MD and Pharm D. They are the snap finger human, anything in between because I claim, they are look into it. Not about Shane, not about Nicky, they fly at California to sort that. Not X Man all that aiming at the President neither, they cannot see that, but they assuming why or find out. But that location its none of them UB in debts people and the jobs holding 9-5 moving to California will ever be, but me show up correctly - its their snap finger counts.

None of you have the money, not 2014, not 10 years pass. They didn't do one thing on timely. That is what you put up against the claim. 

No I don't need to be bound by this Taiwan social security number or American social security number, but they taken I claim true being magnetically or something injure badly. UB all these MD combine suppose to check that one Peyton's one medical bill over his surgery operation few month ago. That is unbearable to one family household he could just do something in Taiwan not airing that in American hospital shows up. That is one bill very high.

Like I say, I mention whom exists, none of them are doing their jobs, meaning none of them are the correct MD nor already got fired or jailed included.

No, the immigration office can tell by this one lawsuit 766, everything is as elaborate lied as it design as they must know where it means from called the "Classified" or "the classified materials", it will be by the percentage 30% to 70% for saying 99% accuracy or precision, I have an excuse to ignore thing other than my physical health or the hold up at that I say here from this file. They go by per fact and they find out including yesterday I claim that hell road toward, and TLC claims + VS Canadian police that is real, or that is insert. She cannot remember anything other than their faces and look to that sequence. 

They themselves between the policy and the situation, someone could be that lucent minded, to every degree per word, per account, per face, per classmate, per name, per foreign idea of far away, to without the facebook, to operate a brain with a PCAT what?

There is a lot of the reason and the claim were already being check and file, and she didn't even blink her eyes for every brain wire if they look at the word, or the image (side by side to UB), just the English itself, something of everything, there is nothing right about it, isn't it? You got mix up, or the UB all of them got mix up.

Someone, 1 person so elaborately operating in her one room.

Someone, 1 person so elaborately writing, speaking, video making, per English alphabet if not were that one case of American police or Taiwan police combine for one crime in Canada, Liu Champion included. 

These entire things were not done by the first day, it was exactly someone didn't delay 1000 years. Exactly per account describe literally every min, every second when the time runs, it is ink out on the public domain. This one claim you cannot understand what that is, isn't it? 

You could read the words, monkey. 

You could learn English by the dictionary, prostitute

You could imagine by the photo or the video to insert the name, fatty.

But you cannot literally describe out if someone like her were not made already written your cases for you, and you put your thumb stamp with the blood and seal with it, eternity. That is what they mean, I wrote it for them. 


Inside your culture, you believe of something this line its 3 President against each other, well, sorry, they what? 

But the Truth was you only asking SMCH by the Flower Thousand Bones, without the police force, she is a shaking one and Vietnamese, she believe only Clinton. She does. So that verdict is again without asking me that straight down position. In the Heaven scale of the Most High, you will kill someone, both of you with you two no name or crime right on the television everywhere for saying, you putting the killing order on what? 3 of them.

You only do things by the waiting time of the Heaven to til the Honorable Superior will show up, if that is in Eon. You don't just put up 3 death with that prominent reason right on the public media with the public domain out there forces.

On Earth, then of course you 2 wrong attitude, it will never be asking me in person this funny internet design you cannot open your mouth, or you have something to hide, including killing whom? You intend to make me a felony, all this scene, isn't worth a group chat UB X Man Past to Future.

I say it very clear, this incident is happening right when I am landing, to any of you would have heart taken it never stop the time or space right at my faces. Right? To this one incident its the real life in front of that person is the most major crucial factor. Not the dream and the fantasy someone didn't even put down the name whom to go and bulge an opinion view of it. 

Never after this, someone working not all just doing nothing but eating there....

Someone didn't do anything to them 3 and you 2 criminal already to put up the death on Earthly to make the Heavne position to stain on the felony, because she is shaky, you will gamble if that is Taiwan police on leash, or it will always be you and her freedom will all this flood going everywhere.

"Isn't that Westlife fame fake then, money like Adam and Hailey?" 

She Anna is not the honorable superior, she cannot be so sure so sure so sure about all that? Even others above the 90 percentile mortal none of them will agree with her, she is 100% sure about a certain thing, that is odd, isn't it? Per step, you sure about that, Judge?

You knew like my uncle, Irene's dad, how the American sound like to every foreign country, I am telling you. Except the UB them 60-600 ignorance. 

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