
True. This is NSYNC.  (The girl's to-do list)

They tell you in the lyrics. Yeah, Justin says, sings at it.


This might be a very sad story. However that sounds like the beginning, so after that there is a story being told. A description. Or any of the younger guy wants to go and match up that SMCH currently already inside the Chinese domain. Its better you speaking the English like she told you in Spain retreat 2008 those time - 2010 menton time. (France South, Nice, France south)

Being together with the guys will come to the personal hygenic. Meaning you change your diet, you change your personal cleaning procedure, you change the way how you treat the food, the liquid hydration, a lot of the soup, a lot of the bathing time, it could just be the warm water, no powder those. I just use the clean water when I need to warm up your 4 limbs.

I am a women, so I thought every girl to women needs their 4 limbs to warm up. The Chinese side saying that, and I am from Taiwan. Not the White world people they talk about, or do you girls have cold feet cold hand in America?

We have, in Asia this side. Taiwan is not cold, but America is very very cold especially I was in Buffalo. That kinds of the routine to soak my two feet in the water starting in Jame's home, every time walking in the snow just the UB bus to my home, and that is already freezing enough, I go take this big big book container, plastic navy blue, to fill up half of that warm water tank looking water and bring to my room, and I sit in those Target has this lean on the cushion, and soak my both legs in there and just waiting. Right. I starting in America but that will be literally 20 years ago. I need that.

I usually come back from outside has to washing my 2 hands, and my faces. Not the make-up on my eyes, that I don't need to touch, but I might use some water at the eye knod near the eyes to keep me awake? The make-up whole day on the eyes doesn't bother you? So I wash my entire 2 cheek faces to refresh and my forehead, and use the towel close my eyes right at those cheek and the forehead. Its like you really washing the faces, I will feel refresh.

I don't really have the obligation to put that super big load eye make-up, but when I took a nap, I clear away. If I am being with Shane or Nicky? I will put my make-up on. No, the regular now you seeing me make-up. They might be running in and out. I am not that lazy type and I will spend my money. That money I can afford myself that time. Right now at home, I be lazy, right....


You probably stay home type of the girls? I work, I go out with Shane or Nicky type? 

Explain to me your finance, and you work where? So you staying home you need to keep moving your feet and washing that kitchen, or preparing the food, or changing the bed sheet. Not staying on your phone or the Line App unless he calls you. Its best you understand its the money he looks like you staying at his home. You gonna get fired if you been seen those lazy human does nothing on (my) their couch.

Is the gf or is that the maid? SMCH used to live inside a German's home with the wife, and she run away from that family to her Vietnamese someone bakery upper floor to sleep. I don't know what that is, but she was from England that time. No, not France, Germany, 

If you mean it you are the real gf, you having any finance you supports him or you? You paying him the rent? He really likes you or he pretends you both has a life together. You seeing him with another girl that kind? You must know if he cares that this one relationship its to work out that routine, or that itinerary. 

He Canada nick leaves me in the house, I am not on my Facebook When I am in Canada, my Facebook is out of the touch I can tell you that. They might remember from UB. I am in the house looking outside "When you come back?"

"Food on the table."

"The water is done."

"I ate."

Dignity and Respect

Sometimes you really need this thing, how the guys seeing you. It might mean to you the whole world every guy, or the dating whom his boss, or his friends, or the leadership of that guy you dating with, saying he is a minor idea. You saying how much all around that seeing, a guy will treat you with the respect and the dignity.

Sometimes the girls don't need to be that elaborate, the guys know what you wish to be seen. You tell his friend or him, this very guy you wish to continue to date. You don't really want to stay with this one same guy the whole life time; I start to find out sometimes the girls might have some other things either you hide, or you feel you want to leave a nicer image, or something you prefer your own alone time. Sometimes its the guys talking words to you, and you found it annoying to you, or you asking some other guys. You can get a MD psychiatry, they suppose to have every word right.  Because a lot of the guys, when they talk out its very straight forward, not that; no....not really. No! Right? You get rejected you thought you can inche your way in, and its forever no, one of those you want to get your way. Its probably one of those selfish thing you trying to say you have a saying.

You are forever no saying, that is all you will ever get a relationship for however long that is. For some women that made a certain thing publicly, it will forever never be. 

For example, me and Westlife

No. Me at the UB, this American medical board, I screaming yes. The rudimentary subjects all that meaning an English literacy, that is me saying it right on the right side of the Pacific Ocean, no, not at Europe that side if I am situate at the Taiwan this middle small tiny land here. Its a City, the capital. 

But most time you might in the same music industry? So are you same record company, or FOX or ABC family prime time? That might be long time ago, not now? 

Me family its only on this island, lives near by. The parents and the uncle, and I stay with them sometimes, but I never in contact with them. The Flower Thousand Bone (2015), I tell the parenting groups, no, we never contact at anything you say the cousin, or the sibling. Not me. No. I was with that same old Canadian guy. His working place is TTC, no. No contact. 

No, I didn't really read clearly you mean Shane's Wiki or Nicky's?

I read some so I process the W Two worlds a bit. Not whole a lot, because too many of them, I cannot understand it. Shane?! 

I don't really go into those gossip worlds. If those are not enough, they show up and talking to me, I understand that Shane side. Not everyone, just how come his name and his sequence the youngest, that kind and Nicky? These basic I understand. 

I personally think the guys and the girls are different, I just gonna tell you that. You need to understand that very very clear. The guy is not the girl. They understand something, they think of something, they mean exactly what they say, so I go near that Nicky and Kian. But I told them there is something I don't like, so I stay near that Nicky. That is what the Otter told you.

The Ant Man. 

They have only 4 people in Westlife, the other 2 are the major reason why they have the Westlife: Shane and Mark.

That's it, nothing else.

No I don't go and argue things when things are not easy to read or say, so I make things like I repeat saying that day after day. But then, something, not sure what happened, so Shane shows up they are about to tour again here. That's it. You being courtesy to talk again. Its a part of the news near that main stream news saying. That is why I told you I am not sure.

You lean for the guy, or near that modeling, but you are not doing that to do what?

I used to be the leadership, that is just about 2 second, and its not even near. They are going to China. I am in Taiwan. You got mix up for a lot of things, just go along with the guys, go near that. That is what the things the guys care about, that is their jobs. My situation if not romantic or a relationship, just one day still gonna face-to-face? Its not the music industry I thought, I wasn't doing that to aim at any musician. I know that, I even told everyone the material science, Apple is just a box? Target the microwave hot pack is the...semi-liquid, that is the material science. Apple is just a phone, a box !!!! With the scrolling feature up and down, the hardware is a box; the software is inside maneuver that phone !!!! Their manufacture outside package box is a literally box, not the junk to recycle or the trash fee? Probably the eco-reason to keep something else all in it. 

With those guys, my entire PC might be all different. I use the microsoft, what you gonna do, they using Apple?! Tina uses nothing but Apple. I don't. This is the cheapest computer I ever got. If I need something else, Canada Best Buy sell those ACER with the quadriple processor. I was processing the image that time. Right now, there is nothing but the text. The video editing its very very simple even and the Microsoft itself has the editing software I just talked about it they upgrade something, and I try already?

The Sailor Moon all that is not a practical idea, really. (Ancient Chasez), you want to tell me suddenly you seeing this person everywhere, and that is important in your life belief?

CAC girls gone to the senior ball in the UB south campus. That is not him. You didn't even been to what is a senior ball, you already decide that is so important in your life? Its the senior citizen from some assistant facility, they ending up in the UB south campus a place where the girls we all gone there to talk to the women, there is no man in it.

Its an old man. They don't have a lot of the guys in the senior citizen those living too long facility. They come together to join a larger place where I think its UB themselves place. Everything I say I think the government or the police go and tear apart with all of them, I guess.

I draw those painting myself, I must feel so romantic about it.

There is the music, there is the guys, there is the picture, oh mine....I picture all per touch of the line and the face, I feel so loving toward of any of that, really. 

The reality that time was we on Earth has this ET race I known them as Reptilian and the Greys, no other human. This scene or any scene, although outside the Earth is all the barren land, for me, that is one less guy to care about, because American military is....not design for anything with their brain. I handle a lot of things myself since 2014. I didn't say that clear, but the language or the literacy or the rudimentary subjects I have to re-write a lot of this myself. 

But along that same line, they were not the mortal physical flesh, more like a memory, or the traveling from some elements worlds. The elemental scene I have seen it.

Right now this traffic its very loud outside and everything is modern, sunshine, and business, Corporation or the governmental. I feel everything being wash away. That was not very good that time. Not really I abandon the guy, but the guy just leave it before I have any other thinking to linger, its only lasting those suffering for several year, from 2017 up to 2023. Things being left away, those things don't stare at it, and you all require me to hold you up, or carry you on and walking up the mountain ridge. 

I don't make all that complicate okay ! 

Just go along with that. I am living in the modern world, there is NO WAY THOSE shall EVER exists !!!!! 

I am from a capital city.

When I grew up, i only believe a certain thing inside my family, really. Not even the meditation, we had the school, and a lot of this textbook or the radio, or the music idea. Same to the business idea. I really a lot more believing every other things, than the cartoon really becoming the today's past reincarnation to today? oh no ~~~~~~~!!!

Not any of that !!!! NO.

When I live my life, I make it very clear inside my brain, my soul, my lifestyle, seriously, literally, delicately !!! To cope the situation, I as if, not I really am. I cannot breath that kind of the world, I live in the today's car, the high speed train, the train, the airplane world. The UFO, the sunshine, the medicine, the hospital, the normal normal normal scene!!!!!

I cannot let any of you ruin that, so I pretend whatever required, but my outfit its the store I purchased it !!! Right at the busy market, or the Station near by. The shopping center !!!

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