Lawsuit 778: From the lawsuit 777 the second parts were these UB MD 6+2 to all the rest of the UB theft in 10-15 years prophecy

Date: Nov 8th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I couldn't go to Loki's throne stuffs, not real the movie (Thor 2)

Loki like the Lawsuit 777 the first part to where I found out later during this entire course of the time, I am very occupied to some activities I can first inform that my absence to these matter were not just the situation at the Wars in large, there is a terrorist bombing nature hiding behind the police force to imagine the MD Director position are mis-used and using the System Data to pretend that the high school was the only hidden reason for the second part of my lawsuit behind....just like I explain in the original all lawsuit to this psychological gun man one lifetime witness of every move, every eye sight, every body external and internal felt, such as Harry Potter bow room inside- that details will not be mentioned here. - Its the indebts nature both

University of Kentucky (Time frame before or after)

SUNY Buffalo (University AT Buffalo, UB) 

That causes me a lot of the psychological and telepathy disturbance, in every frame of the high tech that these evidence and per frame per image in that eternity will come, these can be submit in those later Eon time how the technology I facilitate will continue in the signature I given before. It may not be the most healthy system, but it begins to sprout. There is an issue, correct. 


In the stream of the map on the America, UB MD 6+2 are mis-using the resource or the power of the American medical board behind 1) doing whatever they want without continue to studying 2) hurting me that the classify material the only reason American medical board put up, were never in the doctor nature for the humanity its to keep using the American immigration or the American Taipei embassy for a pennis map to hurting me

Until this date they found out its on their own vocational agenda, they realize one is Jonathon's brother Alex seems to only realize, or later Tamang to visit, this very page of the lawsuit first song on everyone's sight, were that map location from:

University of South Dakoda

                         Vanderblet, TN

                                         Florida (moves to TX)

They are clever to pushing the First amendment continuously, but all the classify materials I believe its the money related including all the wealth others whom accumulate will be the future, its all through these movie monitor without them. That freedom of the American passport for saying a free trade, its using the IQ for seeing inside the movies, that is entirely an everyone's right or the public declare of a website, I share all that knowledge or wealth to those 194 countries personnel, whom willing to put forward and improve their own very life without them, again UB 6+2.

These are the background out of the jealousy, out of the fearfulness, out of the money, entwine a hidden debts without the parent knowing (Ola keep swallowing the Saliva)

The accusation of this lawsuit will take a form or hurting me the telepathy means in the psychological torment all together, and therefore the immediately told to me stop that, for that 10-15 years theft will be their grey and white hair to kneel at the public front, to scare the youth, because in my life I have never seen such things how people's conduct were not mature, and never were saying the MD each of this map location of the medical institution will largely populated with the same equal amount of the foreign foreces and the police networks, they are hiding inside that 4 side wall, I will use my resource of the high tech in every space and time, to that each and every claim, in the means or the IQ is low, so that is how they failed or seriuosly decide that factor, ITs as long as they know their IQ is low at the beginning of the Dr. T's class anyway, they doing that will never knowing they forever eternal ever be the doctor, so they do on purpose on the opposite side of this Taipei Metro subway, in that brown line or the blue line, how red line all that, the living citizen whom grew up here, will all know that perfectly.

They use this Titanic to hurt me because we cannot exist,

So I had only made my only existence to the future in that 120 years....a certain fact will not changed. To the future history be find out, its exactly the classify materials ending up to be. Until that action are being clear at the court room, some minor details will have to take place at the Judge, I will be personally inform the Party or the involvement personnel. To that foreseeing and capable to use the movie claim, that is entirely my own free will, not against the constitutional right. 

The History of Taiwan since 1911 away from the Republic of China since Haiwaii

They using Obama in the Loving the Silent Tear to hurt a citizen they develop that migration away from China mainland that time regardless what, some will claim the nature of Simon were, the Obama were, or John Lennon were, but saying that is Ring tones of Stephen Tamang finding at least 7 people hidden behind ending up the Conan Detective a very rabbit porn of the narrative story. Its ridiculous on the personal level, for their magnifying high tech lens to these people he hired after the entire public know including the American no more hiding, God knows this faith how ends means the beginning of the 194 countries wave on his police claim or this winding road from Atlanta to Buffalo as this one video song above to look for everyone with a penis on the map like he used to do on his facebook the very first immediate gun displaced on his facebook, all his perfect high school friend, he was in the community college to end up this Twillight movie. 

I leave in the fear that time, so I have contact Dr. Steven Hairfield. I have that psychological fearful to calculate my exit way from Marley's home (son Tony) - how to get to Canada to nick. 

You can see this song makes so clear, if not the fears spread to the entire continent of only 5 on the World Map. We have only 5 continents ! 

For the incompetent of the reasons the UB 6+2 cannot deliver a job, they are flowery around all things other than what is a lot more fear to me, at my current location to the current time since Annca or some others combine, to their every claim how to use X Man - the Future and the Past, if someone got jailed or detained, or including the personal injury if were not being inquisitive the facts why all that has happened and no one in the constitution of that division in America is in 3, we are in 5. 

We have the 2 extra as Exam Branch, and Proof- Reading, so my entire Education department money went triple, they have heard since so long ago those lawsuit were filed, so they no longer be needed, to all these combine of the money stacks hight, they realize each day of the Frozen movies if were used, on the bank rather than the Taiwan bank, or the Taiwan lawsuit were only limited to the democracy reason 

1. The civil case (money)

2. The murder case

The original date or the original file location were not here (me are)

And worse that nature of how to using the Titanic of the movie to kill in the millions of people population including this penis map to hurt the entire City development for backward 30 years, because they heard about the governmental debts from the children's encyclopedia, their each day of the regrets were starting to turn the 2 different direction since 10 years ago or 20 years ago, each movie are expired, to plot me, in the a several revenue, but the true spirits is to keep sabotage me in hurting me will be the only medical doctor's duty or jobs, how their hell sentence after death, it was or might be every MD given title, just station in making the food for the rest of the other, and they look white hair seen like Titanic old lady.

To this classify materials, should be confirmed, that title was never correct. I wish they final destination is eternity hell just like the movie Abyss Frozen 2, forever and ever. 

The final verdict of the final judgement.

In the modern practice of the Taiwan Law

We have the court room, the court staffs, and the school such as my middle private school or the high school as the third lady school, we have a civil textbook smaller than A4. It would be very stupid to one of those scene one day how the China triggering the A4 movement has anything to do with my title in the Flower Thousand Bone (2015), because some people all from Taiwan know the size of that textbook such as our current Taipei mayor he was from the first boy school. 

The real file-ing paper how the American all world will agree, the basic scene of the court room structure its when you file, there is an open court room date with the Judge once the fee is filed. Meaning in the stream of the legal procedure, like I say, it was 2 only cases above. that mentioned in Taiwan location. In other words, most time if the criminal such as in America land to how the parents accompany you if you were not hiding, or the police found you to be 1 time, or 2 times or 3 times consecutively being admitted to the jail because all these legal proceeding methods were not my hospital here, all my relative were the witness for seeing that, those procedure is not the legal court room, that period of all time, has a sequence of the steps, only if you file through, you will be seeing that entire structure from the day 1 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. 

I haven't. 

So to mind you what I said early how consecutively being accompanied by the parents or the jail inmate be detained more than once, these UB 6+2 MD never found out or inform me, for one OU language to pretending they hiding behind in 2014, while I was in the life or the death issue to say, my brother is Scriptura. Someone just decide to tell the public that is not Elsa idea. Its worsen of every idea, it ends at OU in 10 direction.

Starting with myself.

But regardless as the file-ing position to be the physical worlds, or the physical worlds combine to spiritual, or the physical universe we all leaving that one Babaji human-celestial all behind, he left behind some teaching since 1984 were his death date on the Valentines Day, he through me with these speech formats, I will be declared having the psychi sense, rather than the precepts sense. 

If the court room file-ing paper to be examined, and all the evidence are built up to file-in, per image, side by side, not the personal hurt feeling, its exactly what you did, that is very intuitively clear how we are all in writing spirits, some of the people choosing that Devil Wear Prada, were on the novel written idea such as Ola or Dean, they will never end up on the investigation on the road, such I myself to file some pictures or the website in the previous, so those money....

Again, were not part of this lawsuit earlier stated, I have to do my own livelihood by my own sweat as the Bible says. 

These kinds of the scenario sprouting to this lawsuit number will be 778, both the regrets or the lacking of the lawsful knowledge, its getting worsen you believe if the American medical board can write that themselves, how MD 6+2, this duty to life, the duty to humanity, the duty to the university or the SUNY system branch, or the Dharma like the Loving the Silent Tear one word of all those poem, they didn't put one moral or decency, or the life difference away, for saying, they knowing it, from the first day of the every lawsuit filed, they will all end up in the hell or in the jail, so they continue to lie. 

And I have every reason to believe, part of the OU will lead me to believe in 10 years time, I believe the police will say, that is a joke, not that, not blind (Matrix), and not again blind (Eternal Love by Mark Chao), the Buddhism guarantee, or worse, its their own very thing. I believe that nature starting at the Speed or the Little Buddha movie took place in the 90s all the way to Matrix. I believe for that 30 years passing, those efforts were made in the today' correct practice of the modern society, these basic the society structure are implemented. I believe that is true. I am not in fear to proclaim that. 

I say that is the term the police knows what it means. Not really us, but it has becoming very forth seeing....what the Japanese homeless capsule human or the California tent will be your SMTV seen these words of the SMCH refugee how long she lives, saying how far you wish you used to be...every day living on regrets. 

And I will leave these lawsuit as a lot more, whichever (American medical board later), if all this be put away correctly. Too many of the jealous and regrets are every cascading effects, while others cannot continue forward any financial "for sure" things to do, to solid myself, its always this backcrawl feeling or this TV Charmed, how Phebe seeing all of them in the Ukraine Got Talent her money to this 19 Anita looking Sand Art near Keanu Reeves (ending up in Da Vinci Painting), if not the Da Vinci Code, that very movie ending.

The UB MD 6+2, those were not a duty, it was abusing the power to imagine an alliance to the massive gun man shooting, any time they change their position in winning that breath of the hate in Ancient Chinses. That lawsuit I file for the Ancient Chinese to incorporate into the modern law were also they against me for saying, if the past of 4000 years history, we have the court room system evolved into the folk tale legend of the perfect saying. 

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I go to sleep

Babaji: Go