
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go


Conan this movie ( Not knowing all the details)


In Ancient Chinese has this heroic guy saving the beau (without ty) I guess...."human" this word missing. 英雄救美

Because of this blonde waitor a lot like everything Canada nick ex bf told me, I will tell you its more of you live with a guy, and this guy disappear out of every story plot. In the real life, he might just exit every scene. I don't know how to describe to you, so every time because of my own suffering, I can only see this .....he got took away by me, and he lives on, since that every story of his childhood starting, he told me every kind of the story as he grew up. He worked a lot without the parents help. He relies on the God idea. And til this point, he is still breathing so this drama is being seen. He has one of those money to look up the man's friend got jailed. And that person die. He himself how he felt, I never ask him.

But this one side story line - because Conan detective TV and the movies will always have this black organization with some of this very distinct guy's figure and all that given somewhat supports to the correct shape, not necessary the real life if their name be called, its nothing like that.

Its more like the idea of that stand for. Its probably being compensated I will tell you that. But as the girl you have no money, you need to get the guy, then you suppose to trust the legal justice world will do all that for you. Not praying. Finding your correct order in life.

He didn't witness a very clear death of that someone its a bit far away from him, a lot as if without those years of part of him 1) in the killing mode 2) to coaching role 3) to adjust the tone of himself to succumb the jobs idea.

I didn't have anyone, so he is the only person I am staring at, seriously to only can tell you that in this 20-30 years Conan Movie story plot, until later year the blonde wait coming forward, this is one thing I am clear can see, can know, can tell. Everything else once that side guy already side side side guy away from the main Conan movie story.....that is not very important if he is being there or not. 

None of that is the police jobs when the bomb exploded.

None of that is the heroic.

None of that is collaboration between him and his friendship. He wish so. There is none of that. No. He wish so. Its nothing heroic, its a very very cold financial structure or the business idea. He probably wished as he grew up, he has the parents can insert him in those ground of life scene. To be honest, I don't really know what it means this far, he has to be one person keep living on. 

So many noise in life, he, next by this groups of the very chaos story.

Is this Europe idea? I don't feel like I am going there at this moment. Not really. Is there something romance about love also existing in Europe that kind? 

Otter- Ma Ko


There is a baby wiper....for the baby mouth like yours, not to mop the floor to mop to, or at front her hand, to mop or eat, you gonna die on that bacteria floor ice.

They sleep nice.




oh no, these otter know which one is which?


I update something on my linkedin

I went to see something. I don't use a lot of those in my real life. I am trying to think anything to add that....6+1 or really need to add tw 2 and reno 1? 

It does. I know. What is the name....I have to think.

One more ....lawsuit.

I need a re-filing MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 to Taiwan MD 2 at this WWII interface line


Simon Cowell is the one killing his entire family in the Chinese legand and myth not just the Bible.

+ 1 Reno MD from University of Washington.




Babaji: Go

I am not done that "to-do" on the top navigation bar

Writing... ...

First lady school has this guard and gun team (They are known! )

Of course they are known.


The big training the little for this every year.







Babaji; Go

To do list (the girls again)

The idea...

You all suppose to lose your weight and be maid by your own President

This is Taiwan all-you-can-eat buffet (the vegetarian).

Professor Justin ! 


I may not leaving Taiwan so soon. Here is my home. I am not you guys Youtuber world, not really. Those are like 8 years ago starting this Youtube Business. Not me. I am too old too. Me and my classmate are in those American Medical Board those honor program, just one of those state school, their parents are the first generation landing in America. Poland, Ukraine, India, Hong Kong, Chinese, Taiwan, Mexico....and some other students that time the association (Greek Society and the clubs they were) mix in. So they are not in Taiwan, they will never be. They are the debts human from America. You go to those whom have the money. They don't have the money from America. The citizen or 5 Lakes some military personnel.



You guys are so cute !!! Very catchy to people's eyes. Your care taker trim you two looking stunning handsome !!!

(I think one is the girl)

This is unbelievable !!!



University "at" Buffalo (UB)

University of Kentucky

"Westlife Happy Valentines Day" "Happy Concert Day"

and you submit your photo in the Instagram, I think that is how you use the instagram. Try again this time, before Nov, they landing here in Taiwan, right now its over there in China. You have no friend in China. You only got one me. Your classmate facebook?  Why don't you just do what I tell you to do, never bother to use your brain again.

Shane bossing those 4,
I bossing you 60 UB classmate + fratenity + SA + Honor class.
The American President suppose to go and snap their finger at his own maid, their personal staffs its their maid.
Clean up the floor those.

I am on my Line App bossing at my parents, uncle, the bone doctor, and those Jason, Henry, Vicky, Eric those high school human for Boston English Camp, not my high school. I don't have a lot of people on my Line App.

I eat something ....

I forget to write here.




I go to sleep early, tomorrow I can wake up late, no more typhoon !!!

Babaji: Go

💘💖 I pretend...but this is the public guys, everything if for real, a reality like a real thing, you still need to ask the guys

Not I am what.

Westlife - 2019


No, I would never on purpose to hurt them. They really exist, I talk normal to them. Not currently I feel because....you know how many lawsuit I file today? I cannot even use my head anymore. I only remember, for example, if I keep just saying when I got the notice Westlife exist, or their name or their Facebook all that. Jan this year, and I make an effort to imagine if that is real so I keep talking about 

1) When I used to be a house holder at a home

2) The routine

3) The schedule

4) The garbage dump

5) My mother's home, the bathroom, the bed sheet, the washer and the dryer

6) The floor, the floor mat, the mopping floor.

Everything that bothers me that I hate.....because you try to get rid of the guys. Every youth will be got rid of, you saying they mean it - its a causal date. Not the permanently washing the toilet never stop on and on about the Magic Detergent, for the windows, for the tile, for the kitchen, or the strength formula for the foams structure. Sorry, the foams from Japanese the strengthen formula ! Whichever that sound right in Chinese.

If I got what ? 💵💸 (9:35)


COVID 19 after - the weekend activities 💵💴 (9:00)


I go to sleep

Babaji: Go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XaOIH4t4Q